Whether we realize it or not, we manage financial risk whenever we take the time to get multiple price estimates from competing contractors. Those who do often get rewarded for their efforts.
As for those who don't, well ... they often end up ...
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Economic Collapse 101: What It Will Look Like, and How It May Start
It takes courage to face the bogeyman.
I bet many of the good folks in Great Falls, Montana, were more than a little worried earlier this month after a local television station there sent out an ominous message warning viewers that the dead were ...
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9 ‘Oops’ Moments That I Ultimately Paid For (One Way or Another)
Last week I needed to venture into my attic to check on some rat traps, so I grabbed my flashlight to help me navigate my way through the rafters. As luck would have it, the flashlight wasn't working; the last person who used it forgot to turn the ...
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The Unconventional Wisdom of Household Strategic Planning
My son, Matthew, is quickly approaching his 16th birthday and so I've been giving him a few driving tutorials.
I haven't let him get behind the wheel just yet -- that's on next month's agenda -- but it's gotten to the point now where every time ...
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The Best Credit Cards of 2013
This is a guest post by Logan Abbott. Logan is the editor of MyRatePlan.com, a leading comparison site for credit cards, mobile phones, phone service, insurance, and more.
The New Year is upon us, and that means you probably made some New Year's ...
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Looking Back at My Magic 8-Ball’s Predictions for 2012
For the past three years, I've been using my trusty Magic 8-Ball to predict the future. I know.
Laugh all you want, folks, but it's been quite successful over the years. In 2010, my Magic 8-Ball had an astounding 70% success rate. The following ...
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Save Money: In-School or Going Back
Whether you're starting college for the first time, or going for a different degree years later, you should look for ways that you can save money during college. College is a great expense and many people incur thousands of dollars of debt in student ...
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Essential Tips for Lowering Your Grocery Bill (Part 3)
This is final post in my three-part series outlining essential tips that the Penzo household follows for keeping our grocery bills under control.
Of course, there are many methods for cutting the grocery bill that go way beyond shopping at ...
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Essential Tips for Lowering Your Grocery Bill (Part 2)
Food isn't cheap.
Want proof? Then chew on this: I spent almost $12,000 in groceries last year for my four-person family, including two teenagers.
And what's really scary is that I work very hard to keep my food bill as low as possible every ...
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Essential Tips For Lowering Your Grocery Bill
One of the big reasons the Honeybee has tolerated me for so long is because I love to cook. Some of you fellas out there would be wise to keep that in mind.
Why is that, you ask? Well, it's somewhat ironic, but the fact remains, the more time men ...
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100 Words On: How Smart People Make High Risk Ventures Pay Off
Risk and reward are inextricably intertwined. Of course, the richest rewards come to those who are willing to take the biggest risks. The oft-forgotten corollary to that strategy is that, by its very nature, high risk endeavors also have a greater ...
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Why Financial Success Often Depends on the Road Not Taken
Decisions, decisions. Like it or not, our lives are defined by them.
It's no secret that a big part of our financial success is based upon the decisions we make in life.
Just ask any person who has jeopardized their financial future by, say, ...
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15 Reasons Why Waterbeds Are For Suckers
Sometimes people buy things that they eventually end up regretting. I know I've got a long list.
I've already explained why corner lots and whirlpool tubs are for suckers.
Today, I've got two words for anybody out there who is currently ...
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Why I Refuse to Get Upset By Subtly Deceptive Advertising
Last weekend I was lured to an online calendar website with the following promise: "Everything up to 60% off!"
Sixty percent!
While I was visiting there I found a calendar that was on sale for $13.49 -- $1.50 off the regular price of ...
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How I Know When to Drop Collision & Comprehensive Auto Insurance
Although we refuse to admit it, everybody is occasionally guilty of holding on to things a little longer than they really should.
I often question the Honeybee's motives regarding her proclivity to keep around old birthday cards and our kids' ...
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100 Words On: A Grim Warning to Those Who Think Money Grows On Trees
A democracy can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the treasury, with the result ...
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The Unexpected Bill That Added $2406.88 to My Recent Vacation
"Whatever it takes."
That was the answer the Honeybee gave me three years ago after I asked her how much she would pay to save a pet's life.
Unfortunately, last week we got a chance to reconsider that question after we returned from a week-long ...
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Cheap Thrills: 6 Awesome Halloween Movies That Aren’t Scary
Everyone knows that staying at home and watching a movie is one of the cheapest ways to share a night, but that can often get tiresome. There's something about the Halloween holiday season that brings the notion back to life, as Halloween movies are ...
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100 Words On: Saving Your Lame Excuses for Somebody Who Cares
A wise man once said that excuses are tools of incompetence, only useful for building monuments of nothingness and bridges to nowhere. When it comes to personal finance, there are a countless number of excuses that people often use to explain why the ...
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100 Words On: How to Avoid Burning Out
It takes real drive to turn our biggest dreams into reality, but sometimes the relentless passion that fuels our inevitable push for success becomes counterproductive. When personal expectations finally exceed what we can reasonably achieve on our ...
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