The following was written by my late wife Elaine. She wrote a long book, a diary really, from which this is one passage:
Selling the Piano Teaching Studio
We advertised the studio for sale and three years later it was bought by members ...
Continue reading Grandfather Says: The Continuing Chronicles of Elaine, Part 58
Weekly Meal Planning: Here’s How Singles On a Tight Budget Do It
Whether your kids have moved out of the house, or you've just left a relationship, being single doesn't have to mean lonely nights of greasy take-out or microwaved frozen meals. Smart weekly meal planning is a great way to support a tight budget, eat ...
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Education Spending: How Much Should Parents Spend on Technology?
Back to school shopping isn't what it used to be. Not too long ago, when it came to education spending, the most technologically advanced product that a parent would buy their kid was one of those bulky graphic calculators. Now, that almost seems ...
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The 7 Deadly Sins of Personal Finance
I remember going to catechism as a kid and learning about the seven deadly sins. Maybe that's why an old national sin survey, conducted by a Kansas State University team of geographers, caught my attention. The provocative study measured and created ...
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Black Coffee: Living on Borrowed Time
It's time to sit back, relax and enjoy a little joe ...
Welcome to another rousing edition of Black Coffee, your off-beat weekly round-up of what's been going on in the world of money and personal finance.
I hope everybody had an enjoyable week. ...
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Should I Pay Off My Mortgage Early?
The decision to pay off the mortgage early is always a hotly debated topic. Unfortunately, the question of "should I pay off my mortgage early?" can't be answered easily because everybody's circumstances are different. In fact, there is no right ...
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Investment Risk vs. Reward: 3 Important Strategies to Consider
When you're interested in investing some of your funds, it's important to consider investment risk vs reward. Of course, that depends on what your feelings are as an investor. For example, you need to consider whether you're someone who is open to ...
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11 Ways to Make Retirement Savings Grow Faster
Want to retire early? The fastest way to do that is to step up your savings game and make your retirement savings grow faster.
With that in mind, here are some suggestions for building your retirement fund at a quicker pace.
Crunch the ...
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8 Misleading Claims People Often Make To Close a Deal
The other day I came across an old article that suggested a healthy dose of skepticism was essential when you're watching television commercials that make misleading claims for both prescription and non-prescription drugs. No, really. A study ...
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Black Coffee: Lying Through Their Teeth
It's time to sit back, relax and enjoy a little joe ...
Welcome to another rousing edition of Black Coffee, your off-beat weekly round-up of what's been going on in the world of money and personal finance.
I've got another busy weekend ahead of ...
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How to Break a Shopping Addiction
Do you find it hard to say no when you're out shopping? Does the urge to buy something, even when you don’t really need it, feel almost uncontrollable? If so, you might be dealing with a shopping addiction. It’s a real issue that many people face, ...
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Grandfather Says: The Continuing Chronicles of Elaine, Part 57
The following was written by my late wife Elaine. She wrote a long book, a diary really, from which this is one passage:
A Winter Story: The Midwife
It was a beautiful, still, early December 1998 morning with 13 inches of new snow; the plows ...
Continue reading Grandfather Says: The Continuing Chronicles of Elaine, Part 57
How to Use Competitive Intelligence to Your Advantage
When it comes to business, success depends on staying ahead of the competition. The know-how that helps achieve this is competitive intelligence. Whether it is planning a strategy, improving product features or providing better customer service, a ...
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4 Money-Saving Tips for New Homeowners
Buying a home is a huge achievement, but it can leave many first-time homeowners financially scrambling. For new homeowners, this can unfortunately lead to more financial strife than they're prepared for. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways for ...
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The Only New Year Resolution That Really Matters
Although 2025 is just getting started, I've already read a plethora of personal finance articles from various experts and self-made suburban millionaires who have been espousing their top new year resolutions.
Of course, all of the usual suspects ...
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Black Coffee: The Final Countdown
It's time to sit back, relax and enjoy a little joe ...
Welcome to another rousing edition of Black Coffee, your off-beat weekly round-up of what's been going on in the world of money and personal finance.
I hope everybody had a wonderful week. ...
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How to Refinance a Mortgage In 7 Easy Steps
There is very little difference between getting a mortgage and refinancing it; in fact, the processes are virtually identical. If you've decided that refinancing is right for you, here is a brief overview explaining exactly how to refinance a ...
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Are You a Responsible Gambler?
Are you a responsible gambler? That sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?
The knee-jerk assumption is to peg all gamblers as irresponsible and careless with their money, but that's not necessarily the case.
Think about your hobbies. If you like ...
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8 Practical Mindful Money Management Strategies
Managing money can sometimes feel like a constant battle - especially when it feels like there’s always more month left than money. Many of us are caught in cycles of spending without thinking, overspending on unnecessary things, or making impulse ...
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Behold the Power of Compound Interest!
George Lucas continues to mislead millions of people into believing that the most powerful force in the universe is, well ... the Force. But every successful household CEO knows for a fact that Lucas is dead wrong. That is not surprising at all given ...
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