If you’re wondering how to break your overspending habit, you won’t find the answer in this closet.
The other day I was reluctantly helping the Honeybee clean out her our closet — and having a thoroughly miserable time doing it, I might add — when I came across a couple of old Discover magazines.
I canceled my subscription to Discover years ago. But I really used to love reading those magazines because the articles were always very interesting.
Sometimes they were very inspiring too.
Needless to say, coming across the magazines was a pleasant surprise. So much so that I immediately stopped cleaning the closet so I could become reacquainted with my old friends.
In fact, before I knew it, I was downstairs on the living room couch relaxing with an old edition from March 2009, along with a bowl of cocktail peanuts and an icy cold beverage — much to the Honeybee’s chagrin.
Anyway, as I was enjoying my little break I came across an intriguing piece on the human brain.
One thing I learned is that the brain’s prefrontal cortex controls our willpower.
But what I found particularly interesting is that we can exercise our willpower like a muscle. And that’s important for folks like me who hate cleaning closets.
It’s also great for those who consistently find themselves spending more than they earn because they lack the discipline and financial backbone required to say no when it comes to spending cash on frivolous things.
It turns out that our brains possess only a finite amount of willpower. Apparently, scientists say the following experiment proves this:
Let’s say you’re asked to eat a plate of food and then solve an extremely difficult puzzle. If it’s a plate of tasty cookies, you’ll persist in solving the puzzle for some time. However, if it’s something unpleasant, like lima beans, research shows you’ll spend significantly less time trying to solve the same puzzle.
According to the scientists, that’s because those who push themselves to eat those yucky lima beans end up depleting their willpower to a point that leaves them with less motivation to work the puzzle.
The good news is that we can build up our willpower “muscle” by doing things that tests our perseverance. How? Well, one neuroscience professor suggests that something as simple as brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand over a period of several weeks will do the trick.
I know. It sounds crazy doesn’t it?
But for those who are having trouble sticking to their budget, this little exercise might be worth a try. Besides, even if it doesn’t work you’ll still be able to say you’re ambidextrous.
Then again, if it does work, your household budget will be all the better for it.
Come to think of it, your closets will probably end up being a lot cleaner too.
Photo Credit: Trix and friends
Interesting idea.
I love it! Sounds like a plan to me. This reminds me of some advice that was given to me several years ago, that is, if you want to make something a habit, you must do it for at least 21 days in a row. The example they gave was flossing your teeth daily. Make yourself a checklist or calendar and post it in a conspicuous spot like next to the bathroom mirror. For every day that you complete the task, make a check mark or mark an “x” through the day. By the time three weeks are up, it should become automatic. You could use the same technique for not spending.
Love your blog!
Thank you, Libby!
I don’t floss nearly as often as I should. I was going to try flossing with my left hand — but your idea seems a lot easier. 😉
Does it mean many of us continue to raise our willpower by eating foods we’re not very fond of like broccoli, spinach and similar food?
Only if you do it with your off-hand.
For a real challenge, try shaving with your weak hand!
Heh. Good one, Kurt.
Can I use an electric razor?
Heh heh, even the electric razor would be tough. I’ll try it out tomorrow. I’d stay away from the straight edge though. 🙂
We had a guest on our podcast, Laura Vanderkam, who discussed this theory in her books. Because willpower is a depleting asset each day it makes sense to do the horrendous chores early in the day to seize the moment. If you wait until later you won’t do it.
A good quote from Laura’s interview about the willpower/morning correlation: “People don’t accidentally sleep with the wrong person at 6 AM.”
Very interesting idea. Small tricks like that can release and work muscles in the mind that we didn’t have. I think doing things is small steps over a period of time is great way to build up willpower.
Another New Year’s resolution. Thanks Len.
Ah, a volunteer! Let me know if it works, CO2.
Another factor they have discovered is your blood sugar levels alter your ability to resist temptations. It’s why they say eat at least 30 minutes before you go to the store. Normally, I have good willpower at the grocery store. If I skip breakfast before I go, oh my! The things Len tells me through mental telepathy to put in my cart. I’ve still resisted his messages to buy fruitcake.