Everyone loves Valentine’s Day. Well … almost everyone.
To prove it, here are a some fond financial facts and strange trivia about Valentine’s Day that you can whisper into your lover’s ear while you’re cuddling by the fireplace this February 14th. Or not.
1, Valentine’s Day is big business. In fact, according to the National Retail Federation, Americans are expected to spend almost $20 billion this year on everything from candy and flowers to romantic dinners and lingerie.
2. More to the heart of the matter, the average Don Juan spent $85.21 in 2017 on the object of his affection — and another $48.37 on others.
3. According to the latest US Census Bureau data, there were 2.1 million marriages in 2009 alone. Of those, 108,000 were performed in Nevada; it’s unknown how many were officiated in Sin City by an Elvis impersonator at the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel — but if you’re interested, prices start at $275.
4. The Census Bureau also notes that one out of five people like getting married so much they end up doing it again with somebody else; 1 in 20 take a trip down the aisle three times or more.
5. Thirty-five percent of all celebrants bought flowers in 2017 for their truelove, spending $1.8 billion. Maybe that’s why the latest census data shows that there are 17,124 florists in America.
6. Oh sure, you can easily find a florist in places like Valentine, Nebraska and Romeo, Michigan. Somewhat ironically though, you’ll be hard-pressed to find even one flower shop in Loving, New Mexico or Rose City, Texas.
7. As you might expect, the most popular Valentine’s Day gift in America last year was candy. In fact, 50% of all romantics will spent $1.7 billion on the stuff in 2017. Still, that’s more than a half billion dollars less than folks typically spend on Halloween candy every year.
8. Don’t feel too bad if you didn’t know that the first Valentine’s Day chocolate box was introduced in 1868 by Richard Cadbury. You’ve got some explaining to do, however, if you didn’t know he’s the same guy who founded the Cadbury chocolate company.
9. And while candy may be dandy, according to the online men’s magazine AskMen, if you’re looking to score major points with your sweetie, your best bet is jewelry, followed by: couples dance lessons; a spa massage gift certificate; a jewelry box; and perfume.
10. No doubt that explains why more people than ever are expected to buy gold jewelry and other shiny finery for their steadies this Valentine’s Day; 19% to be exact. And they’ll spend $4.3 billion doing it.
11. The most popular jewelry item in the US is the solitaire engagement ring. That’s followed by wedding bands, diamond earrings, strings of pearls, and heart-pendant necklaces.
12. Then again, what do us men know? According to a poll by iVillage, a website firmly geared toward the fairer sex, when it comes to tangible Valentine’s Day gifts, more women said they would prefer a romantic dinner over anything else, apparently including jewelry. Uh huh. I have trouble buying that one too.
13. Whatever you do, fellas, just make sure you get something. That same poll found 8 out of 10 women were definitely expecting a gift on Valentine’s Day.
14. The good news is the ladies don’t expect their men to break the bank; 86% said they’d be happy with a gift under $55. Yes, technically, “free” is under $55.
15. Of course, if you’re one of the 3% of pet owners who will be spending $4.44 on their furry friends this Valentine’s Day, giving a gift to your sweetheart that doesn’t cost anything probably isn’t such a good idea.
16. At the very least, you should probably get your Romeo or Juliet a Valentine’s Day card, or even a Valentine’s Day eCard. You certainly won’t be alone; America will spend $1.1 billion on them this year.
17. According to the US Greeting Card Association, over 190 million greeting cards are exchanged in the United States on Valentine’s Day — and one billion worldwide. Only Christmas is more popular.
18. Speaking of Valentine’s greetings, the first is credited to poet Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote in 1382:
“For this was on seynt Volantynys day, whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make.”
I know. By the way, there’s absolutely no truth to the rumor that Chaucer later applied for a job at Hallmark, only to be ingloriously passed over because the poor chap couldn’t spell. Well … at least I don’t think there isn’t.
Photo Credit: Jessica Spengler
It’s not just in America either. We escaped to Thailand and you would think in a primarily Buddhist (95%) country that Saint Valentines Day would be given a pass. Not so. In fact, I think the Thais may celebrate it with more fervor than we do in America. Well Thais do love a good celebration or party. Here’s another fact to add to your list:
Alarmed by polls showing one in four Thai teens will celebrate St. Valentines Day by having sex, police plan to swoop on motels, malls and parks to ensure youths behave themselves on the Day of Love.
Wow. I guess if you’re going to rob a bank in Thailand, your best bet will be to do it on Valentine’s Day.
Hey Len,
Surely you jest. I think you’d better check with your honeybee about the romantic dinner. (Number 12)
Being of the female set, I can’t think of anything better than a nice quiet leisurely dinner I didn’t have to cook, don’t have to clean up after, away from the house, sans kids, with my favorite person, having adult conversation.
All I can say is, Thank God for Pandora jewelry. Got my wife a bracelet for Christmas, now all I have to do is buy a new bead every time I am required to get her a gift. It was her idea and something she likes, which makes gift-buying for me a no-brainer from now on! The beads are not cheap btw… minimum $25!
I hate to break this to you, Matt, but I think I just saw an advertisement from Pandora where they’re pitching some brand new two-carat yellow diamond “beads.” 😉
wuv….twoo wuv!!!
Awwww. That’s vewee wo-mantic, twacee.
Those are some interesting statistics!
I think this year I’ll opt for the romantic dinner and if she was more I’ll just tell her how more women would prefer the dinner over a gift. You think that will work?? 🙂
It better. That’s the same tack I’m going to use for the Honeybee. 😉
My frugal bride is very happy with a homemade card, with a poem by a famous writer, (in his own mind!)
Channel your inner-Chaucer, Dr. Dean. (Just make sure the spell-checker is on.)
in regards to #13, where do i find one of those 2 out of 10 girls? 🙂
Hopefully, one of them lives in my house. 😉
It is a big money maker, no doubt. I plan on going frugal (but not cheap) this year; let’s hope that she agrees!
I’ve been throwing lots of jokes out about being cheap, but seriously, like Olivia said, you really can’t go wrong by making a nice simple, quiet dinner at home. Works every time!
Yeah! I’m married to one of those 2 out of 10 who don’t give a fig about Valentine’s. We just don’t care for the extreme commercialization that Valentine’s Day has become.
What a racket! At a time when many people are still staring at their Christmas bills in disbelief, the message is, “Put that bill down and go spend more!”
What did we do for Valentine’s? Mailed a final check to pay off the mortgage.
Well, paying off the mortgage is a romantic notion too, DC!
Valentines day is a “Hallmark” overpriced holiday.
I know. I just spent over $20 on five cards! Granted, I was at the grocery store, but I wasn’t going to spend a gallon of gas and waste an extra 30 minutes of my time trekking down to my local Party City where the cards are a buck a piece.
Haha I like the under $55 is technically free. Really didnt know that Cadbury created the first chocolate box but it makes sense. My wife prefer that dinner and the gift!
Dinner AND a gift? Whaaa???? 😉
Valentine’s is another over rated and over commercialized holiday. We stopped doing celebrating it a while ago. Why waste money? If you love me, don’t show me your love once a year.
I’m with you, Aloysa. My sentiments exactly. On the other hand, the Honeybee tends to get annoyed at times because I tend to be a bit too affectionate for her.
Well, if the women say “dinner,” who am I to disagree?
I wonder what percentage of that 17 billion goes to mistresses?
LOL! Yes! Where were you when I was writing this piece, John? That wouldn’t have been an excellent aside.
If 1.8 Billion is spent on flowers with 17,124 florists, that’s a pretty cool 105,116 per florist! I imagine a lot of it goes to big brands and also to supermarkets and other places that aren’t technically florists, but that’s pretty mindblowing
Amazing, isn’t it? And that’s just on Valentine’s Day!
Tip for the frugal Thinking Man: Make your own card for her.
If you’re not artistic, cop a pic from the internet and word-process text on to it.