It’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy a little joe …
Welcome to another rousing edition of Black Coffee, your off-beat weekly round-up of what’s been going on in the world of money and personal finance.
I hope everybody had a wonderful week. And with that, let’s get right to this week’s commentary, shall we?
Rules are made for people who aren’t willing to make up their own.
– Chuck Yeager
Whoever has the gold, makes the rules.
– Johnny Hart
Credits and Debits
Debit: Did you see this? A lot of economists are now saying a recession is on the horizon. On the other hand, many others would say we’ve been in a recession for a long long time now – especially after the government decided to change the long-accepted rule that formally defined a recession back in 2022. Oh, yes; they most certainly did:
Debit: Meanwhile, a new study has determined that the now-infamous Inflation Reduction Act that became the law of the land three years ago could cost taxpayers as much as $4.7 trillion by 2050. For those not counting at home, that’s roughly 12 times the originally-stated cost – never mind the inflationary costs this law unleashed. Not surprisingly, it also made a lot of politicians and their “green” energy cronies in the private sector wealthy. What a disaster. Now if only people would stop falling for these kind of scams.
Credit: By the way, one of the Inflation Reduction Act’s hidden “gifts” to taxpayers was the authorization of a “Waste Emissions Charge” (WEC) which was essentially a punitive natural gas tax to discourage its use. That, in turn, in some places led to increases in electricity costs as well. Thankfully, this week the new administration ordered the EPA to rescind the tax. In the meantime, many academic pedants are insisting that the WEC was not a tax – even though the financial consequences for consumers were identical. Those dubious claims are yet another reason why nobody listens to them …
Debit: In other news, the latest survey of US homebuilders has found that they expect recent tariff actions to raise the cost of the typical new house by $9200. For what it’s worth, the median price of a new US home was $446,300 at the beginning of last month. Is that overpriced? Hell ya! Then again, when it comes to overpriced, new homes can’t hold a candle to these places:
Debit: Stocks edged higher on Friday with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq snapping four-week losing streaks; the recent overall trend remains lower however. Then again, stocks apparently aren’t the only assets losing their value these days.
Credit: Speaking of stocks, the market in general has been getting beat up lately, but shares of both Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola are hovering near their all-time highs. Why? Well … it certainly doesn’t hurt that both companies have raised their dividends annually for more than 50 consecutive years. Or continuing rumors of Coke engineers working to make the company a viable competitor to SpaceX …
Debit: The latest Treasury finance report was released last week and it shows that in February the total deficit exceeded federal government revenue. But wait … there’s more. It also turns out that more than half of all individual income taxes were needed just to service the existing National Debt. If this was an American household it would declare bankruptcy. Alas, it’s the federal government – which means they get to print US dollars (USD) out of thin air and then pass the costs off to us in the form of higher prices and a resulting lower living standard.

h/t: @moneysavvyminds
Debit: Not surprisingly, the Treasury report also shows that, at the current pace, the 2025 fiscal year deficit is on pace to hit $2.5 trillion. Yes; in just one year. How much longer do we think this can realistically continue? Judging by the mad dash for gold that has caused its USD price to soar more than 40% over the last 12 months, we say: “not much.”
Debit: Gold may be over $3000 now, but it’s no secret that the Fed and other national central banks have been leasing gold to suppress the yellow metal’s price for at least five decades. However, it’s becoming increasingly likely that that strategy is being abandoned by everyone – except the Fed. Why? Because they’re desperately trying to keep the “Almighty Dollar’s” purchasing-power illusion alive. Needless to say, their efforts are getting tougher with each passing day – if only because a rapidly-rising USD price of gold isn’t the only way us plebes can tell that American living standards are falling faster than green grass through a goose …

This picture was taken in 2020. The price of gold today is more than $3000 – so the number of $1 bills required to buy an ounce of gold today is nearly twice than what is shown in the photo. (h/t: @SallyMayweather)
Credit: So … what caused the central bankers’ change of heart? A new standard known as Basil III, which strengthens bank capital requirements, limits leverage, and increases liquidity standards to reduce financial risk and enhance system stability. It just so happens that this new standard is scheduled to go into effect in the US on July 1 – less than 100 days from now. As a result, there’s now a mad scramble to repatriate leased gold here in the US – most of it from the Bank of England’s vault – as that deadline approaches. After all, an audit awaits … we hope. Although it probably won’t be happening until Ft. Knox is restocked. Otherwise …
Credit: Finally … for those of you looking for a little more clarity as to the reason for the sudden gold scramble, market analyst Kevin Bambrough explains it this way: “Basel III elevated physical gold to a ‘zero-risk’ asset starting in 2024. This means banks can now rely on gold to meet stringent financial safety standards, pushing demand for actual gold over paper-based trading.” This begs the question: If the banks are now relying on gold to bolster their financial safety, shouldn’t you consider doing it too? Just make sure the precious metal you’re buying – whether it’s gold or silver – is free from counterparty risk.

h/t: @RichardCabezza
The Question of the Week
Last Week’s Poll Results
Have you ever been the victim of credit card or other financial fraud?
- Yes 72%
- No 28%
More than 1200 Len Penzo dot Com readers responded to last week’s question and it turns out that more than 70% of you (!) have been the victim of some type of financial fraud – that includes yours truly. Frankly, that number is far higher than I expected. How about you?
If you have a question you’d like to see featured here, please send it to me at and be sure to put “Question of the Week” in the subject line.
By the Numbers
A new study analyzed the prices of 26 common grocery items in each of the 50 states, then added these costs together and compared them to the median household income in order to determine the ten states where people are spending the greatest percentage of their income on groceries:
2.21% Oklahoma
2.23% Tennessee
2.27% South Carolina
2.34% Alabama
2.36% New Mexico
2.39% Louisiana
2.41% Kentucky
2.49% Arkansas
2.57% West Virginia
2.64% Mississippi
Source: Wallet Hub
Useless News: Man of the House
A man and woman were about to enjoy the first evening of their honeymoon. The husband took off his pants and handed them to his new wife. He then said, “See if they fit.”
Slightly amused, the wife decided to play along. So she put the pants on, but they were so loose that they immediately dropped to the floor. With a wink and a wry smile, the new bride said, ”Oops! They don’t fit at all.”
”That’s right,” her husband replied sternly. “And now you know who will wear the pants in this house.”
The wife, taken aback, thought for a little while. She then slipped off her panties and asked her husband to try them on.
Holding the tiny panties in his hand, the man complained, ”I can’t get into these!”
”That’s right,” said his wife. “And with your attitude you never will.”
(h/t: Cowpoke)
Squirrel Cam
Here is a short video of Rita getting fed by hand. This is the squirrel that started my wife’s love affair with these little fluffy-tailed rodents three years ago. It took about two months of careful interaction before Rita would do this. By the way, this is the only squirrel the Honeybee feeds by hand.
Buy Me a Coffee? Thank You So Much!
For the best reading experience, I present all of my fresh Black Coffee posts without ads. If you enjoyed this week’s column, buy me a coffee! (Dunkin’ Donuts; not Starbucks.) Thank you so much!
More Useless News
Here are the top five articles viewed by my 50,843 RSS feed, weekly email subscribers, and other followers over the past 30 days (excluding Black Coffee posts):
- 10 Easy Ways to Save Big Money Everyday
- Social Security Number Facts: 18 Things You Didn’t KNow
- Beware the Four Horsemen of Personal Finance
- Smart Money Habits to Help You Save More Every Month
- How to Survive the Apocalypse
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Letters, I Get Letters
Every week I feature the most interesting question or comment — assuming I get one, that is. And folks who are lucky enough to have the only question in the mailbag get their letter highlighted here whether it’s interesting or not! You can reach me at:
After reading an article on my blog that described one key situation where an English degree may be a sound investment (no, really), Diane Roberts Powell had this to say:
Well, I do have an English Degree, but I’m a poet, not an engineer. I’d say the major of your undergraduate degree isn’t all that important.
Tell that to the countless people with college degrees who are getting paid to ask: “Do you want fries with that?”
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I’m Len Penzo and I approved this message.
Photo Credit: public domain
Hi Len,
Stock market fought hard this week. Up down up down. But I think it still has to get a lot worse before it gets better. Something’s telling me there is a long long way to go before they hit rock bottom. Gold keeps chugging along though!
We all need to keep moving forward until we come out the other side to better times. I know we will!
Have a great weekend everybody!
Hi Sara, well … I woke up this fine Monday morning and stocks are roaring. But the week is long and we’re just getting started. We’ll see.
Rita the squirrel is so cute. Thanks for sharing the squirrel vids.
My pleasure, Susan. She is a gentle sweetheart.
That stack of $1 bills is a great illustration of declining value of dollar when you realize you need a whole ‘nother stack of ones to buy the same amount of gold. Thanks Len.
That it is, Declan. The image really hammers home the “dying USD” message.
Geez. $22 for a bacon cheeseburger, small fry and drink? I noticed they listed the condiments on the receipt as being free to make you think you got a good deal.
LOL Good one, Cowpoke.
I’m pretty sure that burger was from Five Guys. In-n-out is much better for half the price.
Good morning Len, I hope spring is happening in your area! I still struggle to wrap my head around how our Gov’t. recklessly spent so much of our tax dollars on useless stuff and shenanigans, and I also struggle to understand how ANYONE can be against the DOGE rooting it out.
RE: Your “By the Numbers”, interesting that according to U. S. News & World Report, 7 of those states are in the top 10 for highest obesity rates. Maybe folks are buying (and enjoying) too many of those grocery items?
Last, this morning the “MeTV” channel showed the Bugs, Elmer & Bogie cartoon you referenced above! Maybe someone there is reading your columns? 😉
Y’all enjoy your weekend!
Hi Lauren! Ys, spring has sprung is SoCal. We’ll be pushing 90F today (Monday) – although 90F in spring is nowhere near as bad as 90F in July due to angle of the sun.
I don’t see how anybody can trust the government anymore for anything after all the shenanigans of the past 15 years – and last eight, especially.
As for the grocery prices, I almost picked another topic since the percentages were so close together to be virtually irrelevant. As for obesity, just yesterday I was speaking with one of my older cousins and reminiscing abut when we were in grade school (he in the 60s/70s and me in the 70s/80s). Back then there was maybe one or two fat kids in the entire school. Today, it looks like roughly half the kids – if not more – are overweight. What changed? I’m guessing the Internet has made kids far less active than we were as kids.
Quite a coincidence about the Loony Tunes!
I learn so much from your blog, Len. I have always been under the impression that I had to cook at home, but with the Door Dash payment plan, I can afford to eat all the fast food I want. Thanks for everything.
🤣 🤣 🤣 You really had me going there for a second, Ed.
I wish there was something that could avert the slow motion train wreck coming. At least DOGE is making it entertaining. Still passing continued insane spending in Congress. Wonder if anyone could pass a balanced budget, not to mention to pay down Principal on the debt. Thx Len.
I think an overnight gold revaluation would go a long way toward fixing the problem and avoiding the chaos that would come with a market-driven currency collapse. There will be pain for those not holding precious metals either way, but at least a government-driven overnight revaluation would minimize the discomfort.
If you are feeding squirrels regularly, please put out nuts in the shells. Their teeth grow continuously, and they need to gnaw on things to wear them down. Better for it to be nuts than the corner of your house.
We do occasionally give them pecans and walnuts in the shell. I say “occasionally” because our experience has been that most squirrels in my neighborhood prefer to bury them rather than eat them. They get plenty of tooth grinding exercise from all of the acorns and pine cones they gnaw on in the neighborhood oak and pine trees. I’ve seen them gnawing on rocks too (which why I try to keep them far far away from my head!).
Look at the state of Pennsylvania and Oregon. Gas tax revenues are down because they wanted everyone to get a electric vehicle. So the cash too fix the roads and highways are not gonna be there. I think Pennsylvania is going to be in the millions. Oregon too. Lots of cash they thought was going to be there is gone. Be careful what you wish for. Electric cars are gonna fix everything. Yea right!
Agree, Bobby. Another unintended surprise is coming round the bend too … I’m waiting for the first wave of owners who will soon see their EVs coming due for a $20,000 battery replacement.