Any accident is potentially very serious regardless of what kind of vehicles are involved. The physical toll in addition to the financial recovery can take years.
Accidents involving tractor-trailers can take on a much more serious consequence due to the nature of that type of vehicle. It is risky to drive around these trucks for a variety of reasons. This is why there are specialist lawyers for truck accidents.
It pays to take on some extra safety precautions when you find yourself around tractor-trailers on the roads or highways. We shouldn’t treat them the same as any other vehicle due to the increased risk of an accident when they are around. With that in mind, let’s go over several helpful tips that can help you avoid a potentially deadly accident with a truck.
1. Don’t drive distracted
Let’s face it – distracted driving is a very bad idea no matter when it occurs, but it is especially bad when you are driving around trucks. You have to be very aware of your surroundings at all times when there are trucks in your vicinity.
They can be unpredictable since the driver could be overtired from long hours on the road. They are difficult to control due to their size and weight and a bad move by another driver could cause the truck driver to lose control easily. Or, it could be a faulty bit of equipment on a truck that causes a loss of control.
Make sure to never text and drive in any situation. When trucks are around, don’t try talking on the phone or even eating while driving as you need to be ready to react at any moment.
2. Give them space
If a truck were to brake to try to stop quickly, it will require a lot of space before it comes to a complete stop. This means that if you are in front of one then you could get rear-ended.
It also means that if you are driving near one you are in danger. Make sure to go slowly when you are driving behind a truck so you can react quickly and give them plenty of space in case something were to happen.
3. Avoid their blind spot
Many trucks have a sticker as a warning on the back that says that if you can’t see the mirrors then the driver can’t see you; this is the blind spot of a truck and they might not realize that you’re there. It is a good idea to stay far enough behind the truck that they can see that you are behind them.
It’s also wise to stay away from the side of the truck where you could get lost in the mirror. If the truck were to try to merge into your lane while you are there then there might not be time to react for you or the truck driver. Just as the advice above states, it is a good idea to give a truck plenty of space all around.
Photo Credit: Uxbridge Fire Dept.
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