Many of us like to gamble with luck every once in a while. But when that pastime becomes a habit, it can be very harming to your budget. Therefore, it is crucial to come up with a good strategy before you start gambling and leave all your money to the house. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to leave a casino or an online casino happy:
Be aware that you’ll lose
There are stories about enormous wins that some gamblers have made, and while some of them might be true, there’s a great possibility that your experience will be different. Winning is possible, but the odds are never going to be in your favor, especially in the long run. Casinos are businesses that stay afloat by creating games that are always going in their favor; in most games you have odds of winning lower than 50%. If you start your gambling night with the notion that you’re going to lose all your money, you can start playing for entertainment and actually enjoy yourself without losing too much.
Set a budget
Every responsible gambler is aware of their financial limit. So before you visit a casino or make an online casino account, you need to learn about rules and make a useful strategy for the games. Next, create a budget that you’re going to stick to. Why? Well, there’s a big possibility you’ll lose everything you set aside for gambling, so you might want to start swiping your credit card — that’s a no-no. If you have a budget and know your boundaries, you will walk away before you stumble.
Don’t use ATMs
Let’s say you have $200 set aside for a night of gambling, which is pretty reasonable. Take that amount in cash with you or put exactly that amount in your online gambling account, but leave your ATM card at home or somewhere out of reach. That way, if you spend your entire bankroll, you won’t have a way to withdraw more money and go over your budget. There’s a big possibility that by the time you go get your ATM card, the rush will pass and you will get to think straight. If you check out casino review pages, you can see that some casinos even have various responsible gaming features that making sure you don’t end up in a situation where playing the games is no longer fun for them. Look for a casino that offers a range of features like setting reasonable deposit limits, setting time-outs or locking yourself out of the casino app or website when you need to take a break.
Don’t chase free stuff
Some casinos have VIP programs for big spenders that award them with everything from free meals, free rooms or even free flights. However, just remember that the odds are good that you’re going to lose more money while chasing these freebies than they actually cost.
Use a player’s card
On the other hand, if your favorite casino offers a player’s card, make sure to use it regularly. This way, casinos can accurately track your play and reward you for your loyalty. Only players in their reward program can expect complimentary meals, rooms or free play. Its best not to change casinos too much, otherwise, your player’s card will not bring you any benefits. This trick will not exactly help you stay on budget, but it will allow you to reduce your spending.
Gambling can be a great way to relax, have fun, meet new people — both online or in-person — and just feel like a rockstar. As long as you have a clear budget and some strategies that help you save money, your hobby wont grow into a problem for your wallet.
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I have never understood the concept of driving to a casino, handing them money, then calling that process entertainment. I can drive a mile from my house and turn the same $200 into a tenth of an ounce of gold. Now THERE is some entertainment.
LOL! I know what you mean, Ed. Physical gold held in the hand has an indescribable allure to me too.
That being said, I also occasionally enjoy taking a $300 or $400 bankroll with me to the casino for a weekend. No big deal if I lose it, as I include it in the budget — and if I break even or win, it’s all gravy!
I worked with a man who was also a professional gambler. He told me that if you’re getting free hotel rooms and limos, you’re going too much, and losing a bunch of money.
I guess it just depends on the individual. I knew a lady who would take $20 and play the penny slots for hours. She did it when her family was on her last nerve. lol
I knew another one that was convicted of embezzling over $1 million to support her habit. She blew so much that she was given private suites, limo rides, and was invited to play in an invitation only private high stakes room.
I must confess that I would rather spend money on travel. $400 will buy me a nice weekend in Houston doing what I like.