College time is an expensive period of life. Lots of students have to pay for their tuition or repay credits. In addition, the rental fees are going up from year to year. Even if you are not a party person and dedicate all the time you have to study, the budget can still be extremely tight. Some college schedules are so intense that you can’t even squeeze some working hours there, to earn a bit of extra money. Saving can be a great help! There are different ways of saving you might not be considering yet, but they can come to a good extra sum you’ll have at the end of the month.
Consider buying used textbooks
We all love new things, but they can be costly. There are plenty of ways to save a lot on textbooks: consider buying some from your colleagues who don’t need them anymore. College websites or even local libraries may offer you to rent a textbook until the end of the semester. You can also buy a digital copy from the online store; it will also save you a whole lot.
Take a break and have some fun
Sometimes the temptation to go somewhere and have fun is irresistible, and that’s totally fine! We are all living, breathing people who need a break and positive emotions. But you don’t have to pay extra for such activities: check the college Facebook group or see the announcements on the campus. Lots of people can organize the activities by themselves, be it a movie night, a disco or just a friendly party. Of course, these activities will be a bit amateur, but the great company and sincerity will compensate it fully.
Learn cooking
Statistically, college students spend most of their money on food delivery. Morning coffee in a coffee shop, pizza in the evening, when everyone is too tired to cook something, some snacks in the college buffet, and a chocolate bar can end up as almost half of your monthly budget. Think about some quick and healthy recipes you may cook in a few minutes and use them. You’ll save lots of money and will also return to a healthy lifestyle. You may also talk to your roommates — if you have any — and create a cooking schedule. It is also a great chance to learn different cuisines and cooking cultures!
Check your checking accounts
Credit card companies are glad to lure inexperienced young adults with appealing advertisements, but you should always think twice before signing the papers. Credit cards aren’t for entertainment. They are for emergencies. Always pay your credits as soon as possible so that the minimum fee will be applied. Remember that the bad credit history may cause your troubles even after college, so don’t overuse the credit, no matter how easy this money looks.
Test out of classes you already know
If your college rules allow transferring classes from other colleges, think about the similar classes you might have taken before, in your community college. Maybe, you can just ask the registrar about transferring these courses or passing the test. If you aren’t paying for a year as a whole, but for each course separately, this can save you a lot of money and time. But do that only if you are sure that you know the subject well because these tests can’t usually be passed again.
Examine the local clothing stores
Buying clothes is the necessary expense you can’t really avoid. But when it comes to brands, you may discover some local ones that are much cheaper than the ones you might have gotten used to. Generic brands and local manufacturers can save you a lot of money, especially if you are buying in bulk. You’ll still need a dozen underwear items, shirts, and towels, won’t you? So why don’t you save some money on them?
Ask about student discounts
The facilities near the colleges are usually offering student discounts. So keep your student card close because the happy hours and “student Tuesdays” can save you a lot. Food stores, cinemas, libraries, and other places always offer something for the students. Don’t be shy about using these proposals!
College life can become much easier when you have some spare money to spend. It is even more pleasant when you have figured out how to save this money by yourself. The saving skills are something that will be extremely useful even later in adult life. Even the billionaires are saving; why shouldn’t you?
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