In these difficult economic times, you may feel that you have to delay getting any upgrades for your vehicle. If you’re struggling to pay the bills or set aside savings, then you’re right. You should put off getting upgrades or add-ons until the economy has improved and your finances are back in order. Most vehicle upgrades are optional, so you shouldn’t spend money on them unless you can do so without sacrificing other things you really need.
Fortunately, there are numerous ways to save money on vehicle parts and upgrades, even in a bad economy. In some cases, you can cut as much as 50% off of the market price of parts, add-ons, and other types of upgrades. It all comes down to doing your research, finding the right resources, and timing your purchase. So, let’s take a look at how you can save money on your next vehicle upgrade.
Consider Smaller Upgrades
Drivers often think that they can’t upgrade their vehicles because the full add-on they have in mind is too expensive. In many cases, there are workarounds to this problem. For example, let’s say that you want to add a complete cat-back kit to your truck. For a good quality cat-back exhaust system, you’ll need to spend as much as $1500 or more, plus labor. Alternatively, you can get a Borla 60637 Mid-Pipe kit for a fraction of the price and, in most cases, no labor costs.
Do Your Research Before Buying
As with most big purchases, you shouldn’t pull the trigger until you know the product backward and forward. Many companies advertise car upgrades that are either unnecessary or don’t deliver the promised results. For example, some performance chips are said to improve fuel economy, though this is not always the case. Besides that, the main purpose of a performance chip is to enhance horsepower. So, research both the product and the provider before buying any vehicle upgrades.
Look For Aftermarket Parts
If you want to replace old parts or even add new parts to your vehicle, you should almost always look for aftermarket parts first. Aftermarket parts are produced by third-party companies that are not associated with your car’s manufacturer.
This might make some car owners feel uncomfortable. They assume that their vehicle should only have parts of the same brand. However, this is a huge misconception. In the vast majority of cases, aftermarket parts provide the exact same quality as parts from your manufacturer, at a fraction of the cost. On average, aftermarket parts cost somewhere between 25-50% of their name-brand version.
Look For Online Deals and Promotions
Even if you want to get your vehicle upgrade now, it could benefit you to wait a little bit. Not only does this give you more time to shop among different providers, but it also allows you to take advantage of promotions when they happen. Many auto parts sellers offer seasonal deals around certain holidays like Christmas and Independence Day. So, waiting just a few weeks or months could end up saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your next vehicle upgrade.
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