When we become ill or get injured, it seems only natural to seek out medical treatment. But as recent research shows, more than half of Americans choose to delay – or totally refrain from getting – medical care due to one factor: overwhelming costs.
Around 27% of U.S. patients report that they visited an urgent care center last year. But new data shows that a significant number of Americans are postponing medical treatment that could improve their health. In fact, 52% of adults surveyed said their reason for doing so during the last year was because they couldn’t afford it, while 23% of respondents said they had put off receiving treatment for more than a year for the same reason.
People avoid or delay three types of medical care the most. Around 55% of people said they put off dental or orthodontic work during the last year, despite the fact that 20% of US adults said they suffered from anxiety due to the condition of their teeth during 2015. Approximately 43% chose to delay their eye care and 30% opted to wait on their annual physical exams due to costs.
Of course, it doesn’t help matters that health insurance premiums keep rising. While the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was supposed to make obtaining healthcare coverage possible for all Americans, insurers keep raising their rates. When premiums cost more, many Americans have to opt for lower tiers of coverage. This means that their monthly payments and their appointments are typically both more expensive than before.
Although 84% of respondents in one survey agreed that most people require some amount of life insurance, some US residents are rethinking having health insurance at all. The ACA required Americans to sign up for healthcare coverage, charging them a fine for not doing so. But now, the Obamacare tax penalty for those without health insurance is no longer in effect. Even so, experts predict that a lot of residents will continue to drop their healthcare coverage completely in 2023. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the penalty’s repeal has caused 8 million Americans to discontinue their health insurance coverage. They also predict that number to top 13 million by 2027.
Already, the number of Americans without health insurance is on the rise. A Georgetown University report revealed that 3.9 million children didn’t have health insurance last year. That represents a 1.3% increase from the year prior. Experts attribute the increase to misleading news reports and funding decreases. They also cite a proposal that could make it hard for legal immigrants receiving public assistance to receive green cards.
The sad reality is that less than 40% of Americans have enough money in savings to cover a $1000 emergency. Debts, low wages, and increasing living costs are making it impossible for many Americans to prioritize their health. In fact, 49% of Americans say their health issues typically take a back seat to other financial obligations. As yet, there’s no real solution on the horizon, forcing many Americans to make significant sacrifices for the time being.
Photo Credit: stock photo
Very helpful, Len. Thanks =)
I’m glad you found this helpful, Lilia.
Great info! Thanks for the informative information you shared here.
We opened a Health Savings Acct. and now have a tidy sum set aside for emergency health needs. We also went with high deductible/low monthly premium healthcare plans. I’ve discovered that it pays to ‘shop around’ for things like lab work, x-rays, etc. when we do need them. Amazing how much costs can vary, and when paying cash, most places will offer a discount, too. We also figure the BEST way to save money on health care is to STAY HEALTHY! 🙂