Are you going to take out a loan? Do you want to apply for another credit card? If so, your credit score can increase your chances of getting your applications approved. You see, the credit score is a numerical value that tells lenders that you are good at handling your finances. It also tells them that, well … you’re good at paying debts.
A good credit score is something that you can be proud of, as most people nowadays tend to have a mediocre score. If you happen to have a bad credit score — that is, below 600 — then you need to read on. Improving it is a good thing to do, but here are some of the common pitfalls to avoid when you’re doing it:
Late Payments
If you have multiple debts and you’re having trouble paying them, this could have a negative impact on your credit score.Late payments can reflect on your credit history over time and this could drastically drop your score. The best thing you can do is to list down all of your debts in order; ranking them based on the earliest due date. Then ensure you make at least the minimum required payment every month to ensure that your credit score is going up, not down.
Closing Accounts
It is a common thing to close down some of your accounts, especially if you’re not using them. However, this can reflect negatively on your credit. For example, if you have a credit card that you’re not using and you’re planning on closing that account, that could potentially drop your score down by a few points. Instead of completely closing it, use it to make small payments. Doing this will improve your credit.
Applying for Multiple Loans
If you need money, you might need some loans. However, the common mistake people make when they’re planning to take out a loan is that they apply to a lot of financial institutions. This might seem like a good thing, but it actually isn’t. You see, when applying for multiple loans, you run the risk of letting the lenders perform hard inquiries which could negatively affect your credit score. So when applying for loans, keep it to a maximum of three.
Maxing Your Credit Card
Credit card companies offer a maximum ceiling so that you do not overspend. However, even though this limit is in place, it is still not a good practice to max out your credit card every month. If you want to use your credit card to make purchases, it’s best that you only use no more than 50% of your set total limit. Of course, there are other options available when it comes to paying for things; some people may even consider a form of cash advance or even a personal loan.
Not Having a Budget
And lastly, one of the most common mistakes that people who want to improve their credit score do is to not budget their salaries. Having a solid budget can help you immensely because you will know how much money you’re spending in a given month. You will also know how much money you’re putting in the payment of your debts. Basically, a budget provides an overall plan on how you’re going to spend your monthly salary.
Your credit score is very important. It allows you to take out a loan, create a new credit card account, and it can even help you land a job. Yes, improving it may be difficult for some people — but it’s certainly not impossible.
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When my husband and I got married in 2015, we were $22,000 in debt. It was left over from Dontae’s student loans with some of it being credit card debt until my colleague then told me to contact an outside agency to help me clear my debts. I was just too impressed cos I never thought it was possible until they did it. They can also help you with any hack service like fixing your credit score.
Congrats, Nicole!
I almost lost hope on my last contract due to my low credit score.Am so smooth at hiding my infidelity to someone but at this stage i have no choice to express my feeling to the world.i was finally referred to this captain spy and i explain to him how i was rip off by some programmers and my score still remain the same.He told me to wait for 72 hours and my score increase to 750 plus excellent and also gain more experience from him after his done with his work .in case you need such assistance and its affordable.give him a try so you can also share your testimony as well..i promise to recommend him to the world if my score increased.