When I wrote my first article for Len Penzo dot Com way back on December 11, 2008, one milestone I never considered reaching was the magical one million page-views marker. It’s a good thing too, because during the first nine months of this blog’s existence the only traffic to Len Penzo dot Com either came from my relatives or arrived here by accident. In fact, by the time Len Penzo dot Com was nine months old, it had received just 13,000 page views. I know. Don’t say a word.
The good news is, despite the slow start, this past weekend Len Penzo dot Com actually crossed the one-million page-view mark! Hooray!
Here’s a quick statistical overview of the past two and a half years:
- Page Views: 1,029,777
- Unique Visitors: 477,501
- Articles Written: 502
- Comments: 7,183
- Avg. Time Per Visit: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Wow! I still can’t get my head around some of those numbers!
To all my readers who stop by to see what I have to say here each week: THANK YOU! I truly appreciate your readership.
I also want to give a very special thank you to my good friend and mentor, Karen Datko for all of her support, advice and encouragement.
Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who has ever taken the time to send me a personal email message — both the nice and not-so-nice ones! Those notes — many of them as short as a single sentence — always give me a lift because it reaffirms that there are real people behind the numbers. So please keep them coming!
Okay, I’ll get off the stage now. See you all tomorrow!
Photo Credit: Wayne_Parrack
Congratulations Len on hitting the million mark.
It’s nice to have an audience to bounce ideas off of and actually get a ersponse..
Congratulations Len on hitting the million mark.
It’s nice to have an audience to bounce ideas off of and actually get a response.
Thanks, Bret. You were one of the first bloggers to ever comment on my site and I appreciate all the support you’ve given me since then. I think you were also the first blogger to put me on their blogroll — and I didn’t even have to ask!
Happy to be one of your biggest fans – congrats!
Congrats on the million mark. That is so exciting!
Awesome! Congrats! Now enough talking 😛 get to work to make it 1 million/month…
Cool, can I have your autograph. First drink at Fincon on me, rest on the millionaire page view guy!
Nice job!
Congratulations on hitting 1 million!!!
I’m so jealous (lol)!
I knew that there was something really special about my visit to LenPenzo.com a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. This post made it crystal clear to me, Len.
What prize do I get as the one who rolled the odometer over to 1,000,000 pageviews?
Congratulations, Len! Although I will never be as funny as you, you’re an inspiration and example for the rest of us PF bloggers.
Congrats on reaching this milestone. Hope to emulate the success .
Thanks, John! All I can say is it really helps when your blog is a true labor of love. It also helps to get a few breaks along the way too. 🙂
Glad to see you put that free drink in writing, I’ll be bringing a printed copy of this to claim my prize.
Oh yeah, congrats on the million mark!
The line forms to the right, Tom. And be sure to take a number!
Your success is no surprise to me. I love your writing and, obviously, lots of others do too. Keep informing us, challenging us and making us laugh. And sometimes causing us to raise our eyebrows.
Thanks, Joe. And I know you’re not just saying that because we are both engineers who blog about money. Or are you? LOL
Congratulations! What a fabulous milestone!!!!! I love visiting here — one of my favorite ways to enjoy my morning coffee! Keep up the good work!
I love it when I hear that, Sass! Thanks for the words of encouragement!
Oh my gosh, I cannot imagine hitting a million page views. Congratulations Len!!!
You do have a great site- and I look forward to you hitting 2 million!
Me too, Kris. Hopefully I don’t have to wait 2.5 years though to get to the next million! 😉
Congrats on the milestone. You’re like the McDonald’s of PF blogs! Now that you hit this historic mark, what’s next for you? Very inspiring stuff, continued success!
Thank you , Buck. I think the natural progression of next blog milestone goals looks like this for me:
Reaching 1 million visitors (within the next nine months) and 2 million page views (in less than one year).
That’s what I am hoping for. We’ll see how it goes! 🙂
I am thrilled by your success. No thanks necessary, my friend. People wouldn’t be stopping by if they didn’t enjoy the content. Personal finance in the words of Len is a very good thing.
You’re the best, Karen! And I couldn’t have reached this milestone as quickly as I did without your support. 🙂