There are still other major bullion houses with product available, but you won’t find any at the Perth Mint. (h/t: FrivolousSpendThrift at ZeroHedge)
Screen Shots: Len Penzo
Question of the Week
I think with the European banks on the verge of collapsing people around the world besides China and Russia are waking up! Who knows, once the Fed institutes negative rates maybe even more then 1% of Americans will wake up.
Len Penzosays
We shall see.
I understand that the Perth Mint has been out of gold for several weeks now. Regardless of the reasons given by their CEO, I just find it odd that one of the biggest bullion dealers in the world would ever be in a position where it had no gold to sell. Can you imagine Hershey’s having no chocolate to sell for weeks on end? It makes zero sense!
What I am certain of, it will not take more than 2% or 3% of Americans to wake up to what’s happening — and then panic — for the same scenario to spread to the other bullion dealers. The bullion markets are so small, that would represent, at the minimum, a doubling or tripling of demand — and that would quickly overwhelm them.
My hope is this post inspires just a few more people to buy a little wealth insurance while they still can. Once the central banks’ financial house is fully engulfed in flames, it will be too late.
I think 2017 will be the reset if not before! Just don’t see how they can keep propping up these big banks. I purchased 2 more oz of Gold Thursday evening. I didn’t think $1050 was going to be the low, guess I was mistaken. Just don’t see it going down much anymore from here.
Len Penzosays
While prices are still a bargain, I think the sale is quickly coming to an end too, Jared — which is too bad … for several reasons.
David Csays
Jsut got a batch of junk silver in last week to have a little extra cushion. I will probasbly grab a bit more silver later this week.
I think with the European banks on the verge of collapsing people around the world besides China and Russia are waking up! Who knows, once the Fed institutes negative rates maybe even more then 1% of Americans will wake up.
We shall see.
I understand that the Perth Mint has been out of gold for several weeks now. Regardless of the reasons given by their CEO, I just find it odd that one of the biggest bullion dealers in the world would ever be in a position where it had no gold to sell. Can you imagine Hershey’s having no chocolate to sell for weeks on end? It makes zero sense!
What I am certain of, it will not take more than 2% or 3% of Americans to wake up to what’s happening — and then panic — for the same scenario to spread to the other bullion dealers. The bullion markets are so small, that would represent, at the minimum, a doubling or tripling of demand — and that would quickly overwhelm them.
My hope is this post inspires just a few more people to buy a little wealth insurance while they still can. Once the central banks’ financial house is fully engulfed in flames, it will be too late.
I think 2017 will be the reset if not before! Just don’t see how they can keep propping up these big banks. I purchased 2 more oz of Gold Thursday evening. I didn’t think $1050 was going to be the low, guess I was mistaken. Just don’t see it going down much anymore from here.
While prices are still a bargain, I think the sale is quickly coming to an end too, Jared — which is too bad … for several reasons.
Jsut got a batch of junk silver in last week to have a little extra cushion. I will probasbly grab a bit more silver later this week.