It’s time to sit back, relax and enjoy a little joe …
Upward and onward.
By the Numbers
Oh, yes … Before we get to the credit and debits, here is a little more info on doulas and the benefits they offer:
50% Decrease in overall cesarean rate for women who have a doula present during labor
25% Decrease in the length of labor for doula-assisted women
40% Decrease in use of oxytocin when a doula is present
60% Decrease in requests for epidurals for women who have a doula present during labor
10,000 Number of certified doulas worldwide
Sources:; DONA International
Credits and Debits
Credit: Who says it’s hard finding employment in the US? The government just announced that the unemployment rate fell to 5.6% and our booming economy added another 257,000 new jobs in January. Woo hoo!
Credit: But wait … it gets better: The Bureau of Labor Statistics also announced upward revisions to the November and December job figures. In fact, they say the US economy has a million more jobs today than it did on Halloween. Wow!
Debit: I don’t know about you, but the numbers suggest to me that the robust US economy might soon find itself on the verge of overheating. Then again, if that’s true, how does one explain the dearth of stories about employers across the nation having trouble finding workers to hire?
Credit: Hey, I’m not the only one who is skeptical. The CEO of Gallup, Jim Clifton, says the latest government unemployment figures are “a big lie.” Paul Craig Roberts, who is a past Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, thinks the numbers lack any credibility too.
Debit: I mean, something doesn’t add up. If unemployment is just 5.6%, why is the employment-to-population ratio still 4% lower than it was in 2006 — and why do 1 in 5 American households still collect food stamps? Anyone?
Debit: There must be some explanation for why the mainstream media takes these government numbers at face value. With a booming economy and more people supposedly driving to work, the average US gasoline price shouldn’t be 33% lower than it was 12 months ago — but it is.
Debit: Here’s the biggest disconnect of all: If the US economy is as good as we’re being told it is, then why is the Fed keeping interest rates near zero? Bueller?
Debit: The answer is partly because, after a 44-year run, our current debt-based monetary system is in the final stages of imploding. In fact, it’s a mathematical certainty. It’s also why the world is now awash in more debt than it was during the 2008 financial crisis.
Debit: The world’s central banks have created so much currency out of thin air that David Stockman — who served as President Reagan’s Office of Management and Budget director — recently warned: “When this collapses, it will be the day of reckoning. Maybe then we can start over.” M-m-m maybe? Gulp.
Debit: One thing is certain: As we get closer to our economic day of reckoning, the growing data distortions being disseminated by the government and mainstream media are becoming more obvious.
Credit: The socialist paradise of Venezuela has already reached its economic day of reckoning. Well … it has if condom prices are any indication. ZeroHedge reports that a 36-pack costs $755 at the current exchange rate — assuming you can find them. Forward!
Debit: It’s no coincidence that, ever since the US stopped imposing a debt limit on itself, federal spending has gone completely off the rails. This year the budget deficit will increase 20% — despite record tax revenue. I know.
Debit: To help close the gap, perhaps the IRS should rescind their decision to offer extra tax refunds to the illegal aliens who were recently granted amnesty by an unlawful presidential executive order. Just sayin’.
Credit: Hey, with that in mind, can one of you Big Government nanny-state cheerleaders out there remind me why the US needs to extract even more tax revenue from “greedy” corporations and “the rich” people earning more than $200,000 annually?
Debit: In fact, the US is so deep in debt now, the day is not far away — 2021, to be exact — when those associated interest expenses will surpass defense spending. Er, assuming we get there. Right, Mr. Stockman?
Last Week’s Poll Results
Which of these places do you think is best for hiding valuables?
- Hollowed-out book (56%)
- Freezer (23%)
- Cookie jar (12%)
- Sock drawer (6%)
- Mattress (3%)
More than 500 Len Penzo dot Com readers weighed in for this week’s survey and more than half of them apparently hide their valuables in a hollowed-out book. Then again, maybe they just said that to throw potential burglars off the trail!
Those of you who listen to me each week on the Stacking Benjamins podcast know that Joe is absolutely convinced that I hide all of my valuables under the bed. I’m still not sure what valuables he’s talking about.
The Question of the Week
[poll id="47"]
Other Useless News
Programming note: Unlike most blogs, I’m always open for the weekend here at Len Penzo dot Com. There’s a fresh new article waiting for you every Saturday afternoon. At least there should be. If not, somebody call 9-1-1.
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Letters, I Get Letters
Every week I feature the most interesting question or comment — assuming I get one, that is. And folks who are lucky enough to have the only question in the mailbag get their letter highlighted here whether it’s interesting or not! You can reach out to me at:
Obviously, I had plenty of letters to choose from this week. Here’s an excerpt from one written by Jessica Tobin, LMSW, Birth Doula:
A doula is NOTHING like a midwife. That is a dangerous piece of information.
Boy, I’ll say.
I’m Len Penzo and I approved this message.
Photo Credit: brendan-c
For the record, never call a paramedic an ambulance driver either. lol
LOL! Thanks for that, Belinda. You made my day.
The second ad for testosterone on the bottom of your page looks as though the woman’s head has been pulled off her body, which is considerably lower underneath the man, or else she has the neck of a giraffe. Also, I like the doula conversation.
My readers are on a roll this week! I love you guys! 🙂
(And I agree, Linda.)
Len, hope this helps you. The word “doula” comes from the ancient Greek meaning “a woman who serves” and is now used to refer to a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to the mother before, during and just after birth; or who provides emotional and practical support during the postpartum period.
And a midwife is actually trained to deliver babies. At least the ones I know are nurse practitioners.
That’s good to know! My sister had all three of her kids delivered at home with the aid of a midwife.
It’s always a sticky topic when it comes to position titles/names. Have a good week ahead!
Darned doulagans, taking a PF blogger to task!
Just kidding ladies. You do amazing work and make a huge step in life easier for mother and child.
I won’t even start the topic of why not to call a flight attendant a “stewardess”. LOL
Another good one, David. It’s true; flight attendants do get a bit peeved when you call them “stewardess” — especially the males.