Every month, you have to buy items for yourself and your household that are not very expensive on their own. But if you added up the cost of all these things together, they’d amount to a big bill. Most people always look for ways to save, either by buying sale items, or by finding store coupons. But to really save significantly, you need to know how to take advantage of sales on the items you need for everyday use.
With that in mind, here are some tips to help you save money on everyday items:
Shop Online
Searching the Internet for ways to buy everyday household essentials online can save you a lot of money. There are websites that offer the same goods that you buy at your local market but for less than you pay at that market. And if you shop smartly online, you can reap big rewards.
One problem with ordering low-cost items online is that the cost of shipping often negates any savings on the item itself, but if you buy all of your items at once in the same place, you may be able to avoid this. Some websites that offer such items have free shipping over a certain total, and while that amount is often more than what one item would cost, you can qualify for free shipping if you buy all your items for the month all at once.
Another benefit to shopping online is that you can find products that are hard to find in stores. If you find a product you love online, try purchasing several at once to save more money, as long as it isn’t something that is going to expire.
Focus on Stores That Offer In-Store Coupons
Savvy shoppers know how to take advantage of sales when shopping online. That’s why they’re always searching for online coupons or promotion codes. In fact, 337 million Americans redeemed a digital coupon in 2021, according to Statista.
You can easily join the crowd by buying products from a site like Drugstore.com which offers in-store coupons. This is an online version of typical brick-and-mortar drugstores. And, as you might expect, it carries the usual beauty products, bath and body products, vitamins, and personal care items. Similarly, there are sites like Beauty.com which focuses solely on discounted beauty products. You can shop from both sites with a single basket and checkout process.
Search Coupon Gathering Websites
By the way, you can take advantage of sales by using an online coupon gathering websites such as RetailMeNot or Coupons.com. These coupons will work the same way that in-store coupons do, giving you special discounts on items that you want to purchase. However, with online coupons, you simply enter a special code during checkout in order to get the discount. For example, if you’re looking for a particular retailer’s coupons, you can visit a coupon site like Ebates. You can then search for that retailer’s name in the site’s search field. Doing so will usually take you to a list of available store coupons that you can use to start saving.
One last thing: By shopping online, you can often find products that aren’t available in local traditional brick-and-mortar stores. In some cases you may also find products that haven’t debuted yet, or products that may be otherwise hard to find.
Photo Credit: stock photo
Great post Len! Just started reading your blog recently, and so far I’m lovin’ it.
Another great resource for online coupons is Ebates. You can get cash back if you’re online shopping anyway, and find coupons that can save money.
Good article. And it IS like throwing $$ in the trash if you don’t use the member saver cards etc. It can save a LOT. I saved over 140$ just cuz I used this feature. Don’t even have to carry the cards around anymore. Use ur junk email is u don’t want to use a real one, use the landline you never use, if you’re afraid you’ll get calls on ur cell. Don’t pass it up but also make sure it’s not tied to getting their credit card and make sure it’s a store and products you’d normally use.
AND use those gift cards!!! Another way stores keep in the black. People forget about those cards they received at Xmas etc.
… And also use cell apps for valuable savings like at Jo-Ann fabrics etc just pull up the app and there’s your coupon!
Spend some time over the next couple of weeks making a short list of your rolling pantry staple food items and household regular Spend (toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc). Then in your normal trips to and from work or other activities, visit all the stores selling these products in your area. Make a list of both regular and sale prices on these staples. Then you will know where and when (seniors get 10 percent off the 1st Wed of month?) and buy accordingly. Each of us can build up a cost savings store of our regular foods and necessities over time. Plus you will know more about items available for that occasional splurge. Sometimes shoe leather, pencil and paper, along with patience can save major dough.
Great advice, CO2!
Sometimes, stores will use them as loss price leaders to get you into the store. I stock up then.