Many folks in debt trouble who tally their assets and liabilities after years of modest but steady increases in income often end up scratching their heads, wondering why their net worth is nothing to write home about. Whether those in debt trouble admit it or not, those dumbfounded individuals usually have a lot in common with the chronic couch potato who can’t understand why he weighs 450 pounds. Both have management issues — the former, cash; the latter, calories.
The bottom line: Wealth is the difference between the value of what we produce and consume. Control your consumption and you will, over time, almost certainly increase your wealth.
Photo Credit: public domain
Devis clearly does not have the self control noted by Len to gain wealth and stay healthy. This is apparant by his blatant spam… poor Devis…
(If Len deleted devis’s post it was a spam commenter talking about electronics, just so you know)
Thank you, Lance. Devis has been given a 10-month comment misconduct penalty and banished to the penalty box to serve his time.
And all too often they’ll complain about it and blame someone else for their troubles. Well, maybe you’ll get a financial bailout, but good lucking getting someone to diet for you.
Good point, PK.
So true! My husband and I are working on our debt snowball and hopefully will gain the willpower to lose weight as well.
If you have the discipline to whittle away your debt, Bonnie, I am confident you and your hubby will eventually lose the weight as well. 🙂
I indignantly disagree! I’ve been working out faithfully and watching what I eat and I’ve still been gaining weight for the past 6 months!! I’m due in February, though, maybe that will help. 😛
Ha ha! Congratulations, Kelsey!
(My birthday is in February too!)
The same changes in behavior help both arenas. Self control is so easy once you get on the train, it’s just difficult at first to get the momentum going. Make it easy for yourself to go out for a run and get yourself excited about the change and it’ll happen almost magically.
I like how you describe the process as one of building momentum. I think that is very very true. It also works in reverse — once you get that momentum really going it’s also harder to stop being responsible in both arenas.
Oops. I didn’t mean to imply that being fat and wealthy are mutually exclusive. LOL! 🙂
I think we can sometimes make things more complicated than they really are. Spending involves choice just as saving does. If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen!
It’s always easier to decrease spending than it is to increase your income!
Lack of elementary math skills and some discipline. Plus, the relentless advertising we are all subjected to and folks filling holes with stuff and experiences they have to pay for. It’s an onslaught out there and easy to lose one’s way without firm/realistic goals and the skills to measure incremental progress towards achieving those goals. I always liked the 5 Ps. Poor Planning Precludes Poor Performance. My first flying instructor said this when I bounced a landing…….back when I was 18. Never forgot it.
I have lost 30 lbs. in the last three months. I hate every mile I ride on that stationary bike. It leads me to avoid snacks, and it saves me money. I’ve been saving all the money for fruitcake.
How did I know that, Bill?