The Great Len Penzo has asked me – nay, compelled me – to write a post on how to save money at the dentist. Of course, he came to the right guy because I use things like dental forceps and dental wire bending pliers on a regular basis. Yes; I’m a real dentist!
So today I’ll share some of the best things you can do to save money on dental care so you don’t go broke at the dentist. After all, dental care, like any other kind of health care, isn’t cheap.
Dental Insurance
First, let’s talk about dental insurance. Dental insurance is a great thing, and if your workplace provides it at no cost to you, then obviously you should take it. But if you have to pay for all or part of your dental coverage, then it becomes a judgment call as to whether it’s a good deal or not.
Typical benefits can be a low as $1500 per year per person. It certainly doesn’t take long to rack up a bill that exceeds that limit. But if you have great teeth like my man Len and you rarely or hardly ever need anything other than a cleaning, then paying for insurance may be a bad deal. Just pay cash for your twice yearly cleanings and you’ll probably come out ahead in the long run.
However, if you consistently need dental work done every year or two, then insurance is probably a good deal from a numbers standpoint because they will pay out more money in claims than they take from you in premiums.
An alternative to having insurance is to insure yourself by budgeting a set amount every month for dental care. Then when the money is needed, it will be available.
Next, let’s talk about prevention.
Most people know how to prevent tooth decay and gum disease through brushing and flossing, but not nearly enough people do it effectively.
I know this stuff is common sense for most of you but it really does work:
- Brush at least twice per day; preferably after every meal. You’d be amazed at the number of people who only brush two to three times per week! I’ve even seen extreme cases of patients who had not brushed for years! Then they come see me and ask why their mouth is hurting. I’m not joking.
- Take your time when brushing. Thoroughly brush every surface of every tooth. This should take three to five minutes. Most people are shocked at how long three to five minutes seems when they are used to just brushing quickly and not really paying attention, but if you learn to be meticulous, that’s how long it takes.
- Use a fluoride toothpaste. Most toothpastes have it but some don’t, so read your labels. You may also want to use a fluoride rinse after you brush.
- Stop it with the sugared drinks already. That means sodas, sweet tea, energy drinks, sports drinks, and anything else with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Having an occasional one is not a big deal — but sipping on them all day long will flat out ruin your teeth with cavities. I see this a lot in my practice and wonder why so many people never make the connection.
- Get your teeth cleaned every six months. No, this isn’t a racket for your dentist to make more money. It’s called prevention. Removing tartar buildup from your teeth prevents gum disease; and regular exams help find problems early, before they get out of hand and cost more to fix.
- Don’t go to the cheapest dentist in town. Some dentists will try to make up for cheap fees by doing unnecessary work. It’s sad but true. Ask your friends and family who they trust.
When it comes down to it, some people are just more genetically prone to dental problems. As a result, they’ll end up spending more money on dental care than those who aren’t. I know — it stinks, but for them it makes these tips that much more important.
Also, if you’re afraid of the dentist, you don’t have to put off dental work anymore and incur larger bills because you waited too long. Ask the dentist for a mild sedative such as Valium or laughing gas (nitrous oxide). And if you’re extremely fearful you can even ask for a deeper form of anxiety control called “conscious sedation.” If your dentist won’t do it, then find one who will.
I hope these tips help you save a lot of money and time at the dental office.
Dr. Jason Cabler is a Christian personal finance blogger, speaker, and owner of Celebrating Financial Freedom. He loves teaching people how to become debt free and live a debt free life through his blog, books, and CFF self study course.
Photo Credit: Jeremy Noble
The awful thing about dental insurance is that the maximum coverage amount has been at $1,500 for probably 20-30 years. Costs have more than doubled over that time for dental services, so the amount of care that you get covered for decreases year after year, as your costs likely go up.
I guess it’s better than rotten teeth, but it’s still pretty rotten.
Actually, when dental insurance first started back in the ’60’s, the max was $1,000. So it’s really been that way for more like 50 years. Obviously, dental costs have gone way up since then, and you really have to weigh out whether it’s worth it or not.
I agree with you. My dental coverage was at $1,500 and my money hungry dentist took advantage of my dental coverage and consumed all my maximum and i had to pay 2,000 extra on top of it for three crowns and other work that needed to be done….having bad teeth is too expensive and the cost is too high !!!!!!1,500 doesnt really help that much…. I was so angry why i was so stupid since they explained the cost in a misleading way….
Flossing helps. And avoiding gummy, sticky treats, as well as cutting out sugar from your tea or coffee. In my twenties I was getting cavities even though I didn’t eat poorly; my dentist asked if I drank coffee w/sugar. I did, and a LOT of it. I switched to black coffee and my dental problems stopped (for the most part!).
Also, be aware that your teeth become prone to decay while you are pregnant so don’t skimp on dental treatments and make sure to tell your dentist that you are expecting (if not showing!).
I run into a lot of patients that have dental problems not long after they have a child. You really have to pay special attention to your dental care when pregnant because it’s easy to let things go when a new baby comes along.
Great advice on the sugar as well. Any kind of sugary drink you consume a LOT of will cause cavities pretty quickly.
Thanks for the comment!
I am glad to know that there is at least a dentist who writes about personal finance. Congratulations! Your tips are great but I think we should also add “Quit Smoking” to the list.
Right, what was I thinking? Smoking really contributes to gum disease, not to mention all the other diseases it causes.
Coincidentally, I just got back from my dentist today. Still no cavities after all these years!
Dear Jason, You are lucky to have an honest dentist which is not as easy to find as one might think. I too usually return from my long time dentist without a cavity. Before I found Dr. Chuck I visited the dentist yearly and ALWAYS “had” one or two cavities. Since changing dentists I have had almost no cavities in decades and I have all my teeth. When trying a new dentist get a second opinion from a different dentist. If dentist #1 tells you that you have a cavity in this tooth and that tooth, get another opinion. If the second dentist tells you that you have a cavity in one or two DIFFERENT TEETH you must keep looking. Now if dentist #2 tells you that you have a cavity in the same two teeth as the first dentist you know they are honest. My Mother paid a fortune over the years to a man who destroyed her teeth and she would never hear of getting a second opinion. When the thief died she was forced to a new dentist and she lucked out as amazingly she suddenly did not need extensive dental work each time she visited the new dentist. Go figure!
Dental care is so expensive, but like a car, regular maintenance on your teeth is important. What you say about prevention is very reflective of this. Even when you have benefits with your job that covers dental work, it usually only covers cleaning – if you have cavities it can be a lot more.
Prevention definitely is the best defense against dental problems, as it is for most any other problem you can think of.
Thanks Tushar!
I go to Costa Rica for my dental work. I have no dental insurance and find the costs about 70% less that US prices.
absolutely agree! Dental tourism is a big industry in Central America – cost is much less, the laboratories make prosthetics quickly . I have friends who have done porcelain crowns for $450 each plus have a very nice vacation, all within 2 weeks.
Though I think that the $1,500 maximum amount coverage of a dental insurance is not enough for some people. But for my wife and I, this is enough to cover our yearly dental expenses. I definitely agree with you that in order for you to have a good oral health, it is important to floss and brush your teeth for at least 3x a day. It is also best to get your teeth cleaned by a dentist twice a year and try to cut down on eating too many sweets. I also suggest getting a water pic
I find this aspect of my personal finances very frustrating. A health problem caused extensive dental work and I simply can’t afford to get in done on such minimal dental insurance policies with waiting periods up to two years. Improvements need to be made in this sector.
Great tips on saving money on dental care. Going to the dentist can be expensive and taking proper care of your teeth beforehand can help.
I’m a RDH…do you really think it’s necessary to generalize the entire population use a FL rinse after each brushing, especially if they live in a city w/ a fluoridated water supply? If we’re talking about cheap ways to help in terms of prevention I’d also recommend simple things like rinsing with water or chewing gum should brushing not be an option. I don’t know what dental fees are like in the US but I can’t imagine they’re way off from Canada; while dental insurance is a beautiful thing, for some (most)healthy people, their money can be better spent sometimes. If they’re paying 100-200/month in dental premiums but only pay 150-200 every 6 months for a cleaning/check-up I’d say get rid of dental insurance and budget 50.00/month in cash for dental. 600 is more than the 300-400 they need and if they’ve had a history of a clean bill of health even if they do need a minor restoration or even 1000 for a crown/rct/whatever, over their lifetime still less in cash than insurance premiums. I’m not suggesting everyone get rid of their dental, obviously if you have a mouth full of restorative work keep it but for someone like myself who’s never had a cavity I’d get rid of it.
I’m curious what a dentist thinks of the discount dental plans like Careington. Also, what about using Groupons for dental work? I always wonder if the dentist trolling for business will say I have cavities when I don’t really have cavities. Also, how many times a day should a person floss? I’ve always heard once a day, but a friend says floss twice a day. Is more really better with regard to flossing? One thing not mentioned is that the way you brush and the kind of toothbrush you use can erode your gums, which becomes a problem the older you get.
Once a day for flossing is plenty. Always use a soft or extra soft brush. Powered brushes such as Sonicare or Oral B are excellent.
As for Groupons and discount plans, you get what you pay for. Many times these dentists are having trouble getting business, so the goal is to get you in the door. There are a minority out there that will mislead you into getting work you don’t need, but again, that’s the minority. The best dentist to go to is the one your friends and family recommend.
Dental insurance takes in more in premium than it pays out in benefits – with a $1,500 cap. So who should have insurance in addition to people with bad teeth as mentioned in the article?
Big families pay the same rate as small families. A six child family consumes six times the dental care as a one child family, but they both pay the same premium.
High income earners pay less for the same coverage. Most people buy policies at work using a pre tax deduction. High earners get a bigger tax savings, and thus pay less.
Anyone without insurance should use their flexible spending account for routine dental care at minimum.
Going or consulting a dentist is somehow an expensive thing to do especially if we are currently experiencing oral or teeth problem. Very interesting tips. It’s always better to prevent complications as early as we can by doing basic things like taking care of our teeth, minimizing sweets and always brushing our teeth every after meal.
Dental insurance pays for almost nothing. It leads to more frustration than anything else.
Often I read the most ridiculous things from educated people. In this day and age, being unemployed/ disabled means no dental insurance. Since I grew up in a rural area with well water, I had no fluoride to prevent cavities. Many drugs dry the mouth and contribute to cavities. Medicaid doesn’t pay for things like crowns. Can you negotiate with your dentist for cash tx? A dental lab tech told me how much a dentist pays for a crown and I was amazed at the mark-up.
Thanks for sharing this post to us. This is really informative.
An alternative would be to get a dental plan and save money at the dentist that way.
Good 2 know. Thanks!
I just came back from 2 weeks in thailand (oct 2012). 1200 for the return ticket, 20 bucks/night for a NICE hotel in chiang mai. a crown, 3 fillings, cleaning and molds made of my teeth with gel whitening kits (from USA). $320 total. Id say…like someone previous..that medical tourism is alive and well and worked for me.
I was brought up in an environment with hard water and my teeth got this thick crust on them. I kept ignoring it till late 30’s and then i had to get a take on it with a dentist. After everything was finished, the dentist (who was a friend of my father) took me in his room and told me i will give you an advice that if everyone follows will never need a dentist again, thought it might be worth sharing. He said floss your teeth after each meal. I am using B-Car dental floss stick and its been 3 years now without any issue. Well prevention is better than cure, so to speak.
Brushing and flossing everyday and regular visits to the dentists can really help to keep dental problems away.
Yeah … but judging from your avatar, you’re biased. 😉
Does anyone have experience with East European dentist. I need to put five implants and here in Miami dentist asked me 15.000$ and some Serbian dentist asked for same operation 1400Euro, it is about 1500$. If I pay 1500$ for fly ticket and 2000$ for staying there for month it would still leave me 10,000$
Are those dentist safe, or is it like playing Russian Roulette? It look like to me that is too cheap to get proper care! but who knows?
Don’t know, Endre. Have you checked to see if there are equivalent sites in Europe like 1-800-DENTIST, Yelp, or the American Dental Association that provide reviews and information on Euro dentists?
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Click this link, Carol.