A wise man once said that excuses are tools of incompetence, only useful for building monuments of nothingness and bridges to nowhere. When it comes to personal finance, there are a countless number of excuses that people often use to explain why the pecuniary pit they’re sitting in is somebody else’s fault — and why they’ll never be able to get their financial house back in order. Of course, that’s pure poppycock.
The bottom line: The human spirit is so powerful, we can do almost anything — assuming we’re willing to expend the effort. Folks spouting lame excuses simply choose not to.
Photo Credit: public domain
So true! You have to want to make yourself and your situation better by taking responsibility for your situation. Once you do that you can begin to see the possibilities out there for you can be endless.
Paying the price is the only way you get what you want in this life. You have to figure out:
a) what you really want
b) if you’re willing to pay the price of admission
Nice, Len!
First rule I learned at the Citadel: your three answers are “Yes, Sir,” “No, Sir,” and “No excuse, Sir.”
Excuses… excuses… soon, you will run out of excuses.