The following was written by my late wife Elaine. She wrote a long book, a diary really, from which this is one passage:
I’ve looked back sometimes at minor little road scares and have been thankful that I made it through nine winters on mountain roads and back roads, through all weather situations, alive and unhurt. I was expected to be available for homebound assignments every day, unless schools were closed. I was able to meet this requirement except for two days when our “higher elevations” were covered in ice, while it only rained in Union. I used two personal days then, and stayed safely at home, and called students I couldn’t get out to see.
But on the first of those mornings before I realized how bad it was, I attempted to get out, and about a half-mile from the house, the car skidded crosswise, at the top of a hill, blocking the road entirely. However, I doubt that anybody planned to be at that place in the road any time that slippery day.
Erik was still going to school then, and he was riding to Union with me. He said he’d walk back home to get Dad to come with his truck and a rope. What happened next still makes me laugh. Sorry, Erik! Even though walking on the grass (also frozen), Erik fell, was in the shape of a ball, on his back, and coasted on the ice down to the bottom of the hill toward home, riding nonstop on his back all the way. Anyway, he got home safely, Dave came to the rescue, and we all arrived back home okay, including the car. Thanks, Erik and Dave!
To be continued…
About the Author: RD Blakeslee (1931 – 2024) built his net worth by only investing in that which can be enjoyed during acquisition and throughout life, as opposed to papers in a drawer, like stocks and bonds. You can read more about him here.
Photos: Courtesy of the Blakeslee Family
lol Thanks for the laugh.
I miss you Mr. Dave. See you in Heaven, I’ll be looking for you.