It’s highly unfashionable — if not downright politically incorrect — to live in the past, but Grandfather doesn’t think so.
He believes US civilization reached its zenith in the third quarter of the twentieth century, when the nation was unified and helping to rebuild Europe with the Marshall plan and enjoying its own renaissance after the great depression of the 1930s and World War II.
So he is well served in his old age by modern technology, up close and personal. He is proud of his culture as it used to be and enjoys the replay of its best music and the performing arts on recordings.
But he is also aware that there is no complete escape from the present, so he does attempt to keep up with the times, as best he can.
For example, he tells people that as soon as his hair grows long enough, he’s going to get a sex change operation.
About the Author: RD Blakeslee is an octogenarian in West Virginia who built his net worth by only investing in that which can be enjoyed during acquisition and throughout life, as opposed to papers in a drawer, like stocks and bonds. You can read more about him here.
Photos: Courtesy of the Blakeslee Family
Hi Grandfather,
I hope all is well in your world, and I’m glad to see the puppy getting some love!
Thanks, Jason
He’s the latest of my blessings, which I mention here from time to time.
A little clown – I laugh at him alot.
Incidentally, I saw on the TV news last night that animal shelters are emptying out nationwide. The Wootan virus is prompting some little good. Who knows, maybe a lot. History is replete with human repentance in hard times.
Looking forward to the results of your operation…..I’m NOT all that pleased with my knee replacement, and plan to be real conservative about future surgeries…..Ahahaaaaaa.
I’m a big things that reached a high point in the 20th century like electric lights and mechanical refrigeration…..which is why I’ve expended a lot of effort in my solar power system.
Hi Andy,
If I survive that one the next on the list is a frontal lobotomy.
Brain research says we grow into a new frontal lobotomy every ten years. Sex change is already out of style. Make sure you are compatible with the donor. I like that idea so you can try them out first. Somehow sex change is taking social distance to far.
I think the only thing that has changed is news headlines. They call it fake news now back then they called it Propaganda. Think the big game this week was the 6 trillion bill on the table. GOP got credit for 1st 3 trillion now the DEMS will get their 3 trillion. That cheaper than a 15 year war on terror? Guess in 10’years the FED will own everything and we will start a new game of Monopoly? Instead of railroads the spaces will be FAANG? Some property will be for gold mines instead of real estate so Len will play. How does a Personal Finance site go from finance to ww 2 to sex changes? I know ! I I think some ole boys started sipping home brew liitle bit to early today.
At the rate the Fed is going, they will own everything by the end of next year! I haven’t bought any property lately, but over the past couple of years I have been investing in a few gold mines.
What? Too early?
Home brew is the only thing saves the day!
I think with all the bombastic news, the question of what is real is so valid. It’s like sometimes when upper management say something is happenings and I look around at a meeting and I’m the only one who actually does patient-care too and say “no it’s not!” And they all look shocked. It’s crazy. Your puppy is so cute!
Me ‘n the puppy thank you, dr. p.p.
I well remember my time in the U.S. Patent Office, where vacuous “work” abounded.
Bad times give rise to personal introspection.
Maybe more folks will find a way to get free of the meaningless rat race.