Grandfather says he’s not much taken with teaching credentials.
To hear some “educators” talk, one would think nobody could learn anything without their expert ministrations.
Well … here’s a case where Grandfather taught something without a word being spoken, strictly by example.
The child observes:
He makes progress:
And masters it!
About the Author: RD Blakeslee is a nonagenarian from West Virginia who built his net worth by only investing in that which can be enjoyed during acquisition and throughout life, as opposed to papers in a drawer, like stocks and bonds. You can read more about him here. This article was originally published on 17 May 2018.
Photos: Courtesy of the Blakeslee Family
Good one RD !
I taught vocational school for a few years between honest employment, and I can assure you the primary mission of teaching is to babysit kids until they reach the age they can be put out on the world. IF you can teach them anything along the way, great, but never forget the primary mission.
Simon and Garfunkel said it best in a song “When I look back on all the crap I learned in high school, it’s a wonder I can think at all…..”
Thanks, Andy.
In loco parentis, some millenials even need it in college, these days!
My children are all grown now and what the psychologists call “well adjusted”. Grandchildren mostly OK, variable in “adjustment”, but still quite young and I await further “seasoning”.
Patience is the only virtue required; I’m out of the loop.
Thank you for sharing this, RD. There truly is a special bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. What a delightful post!
Glad you like it Sharon! Nice to hear that from you.
The little boy pictured is now in his thirties, holds a class C drivers license and drives a Peterbuilt 18 wheeler over the road.
… and home schooling paid off. He got the license because he held his mouth right … (-:
lol thank you for that.
Given the wonder of your teaching, it makes me sad to think of today’s kids with everyone running around in masks. What’s that teaching the little ones?
Given the lesson demonstrated, I wonder what today’s little ones are learning with everyone running around wearing masks?
Little ones learn as much by their sensitivity to evidence of love and affection on the one hand and sternness of correction on the other.
It’s universal with all subject matter, I think.
We never know who’s watching us, and what they’re picking up from us.
I’m always a little surprised when adults pick up things from me. I just hope they don’t become a master of sass.
Well, if they follow your love of fruitcake, Bill, you may have contributed to the alleged epidemic of childhood obesity!