Unless you have more than enough cash at your disposal, you will definitely require credit during some point of your life. Irrespective of whether you’re planning to buy a new home, a big-ticket luxury item, a car, or an apartment, your credit score will be checked by somebody on the other side. If you’re someone with limited or no credit history, before applying for a major loan you’ll need to establish and build credit in order to increase your credit score.
However, there are many who think that it is impossible to build their credit history without a credit card; but that’s not true. Let’s check out a few worthy alternatives to increase your credit score without plastic.
Ask companies to report your payment activity
Do you have monthly rent? Or utility, cellphone, and cable bills? If you do, then give a call to those providers and politely ask them to report your account activity to the three major credit reporting agencies: Equifax, TransUnion and Experian. However, make sure you do this only when you think you’re responsible about making timely payments. Payment history is accountable for 35% of your credit score and this can have a vital impact on the data that they put into your credit report.
Be an authorized user on others’ credit cards
There are definitely some pros and cons of becoming an authorized user. If the holder of the card has a strong credit background, that’s indeed good as the user will help you improve your credit profile through their stellar financial behavior. But if he doesn’t have a strong background, then your credit scores will be negatively affected. Regardless, if you opt in and then you change your mind, this information will vanish from your credit profile and be removed from the account.
Take out a credit-builder loan
If you’re looking forward to building or rebuilding credit, then taking out a credit-builder loan is definitely one of the best places to start. Such loans are offered by credit unions and banks to assist people in improving their credit scores. You just have to borrow a small amount and keep making payments for one to two years. The payments are usually deposited in a savings account or in an interest-bearing CD. These loans have low rates and can assist people with thin credit histories.
If you’re a student, take out a federal student loan
A credit check isn’t needed to obtain a federal student loan. You just have to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); that’s it! As this is an installment loan, you can easily use it to increase your credit score.
Now that you know how you can build your credit without a credit card, why waste any more time? Start building your credit now!
About the author: Allan is an experienced blogger and he notes his thoughts on a regular basis through his blog, Day to Day Finance. At its core, writing is a part of communication. Allan loves to communicate with people via his writings, where he shares thoughts, advice, tips, and tricks related to finance, marketing, lifestyle, and many other topics.
Photo Credit: cafe credit
I think the simplest way was not even mentioned: paying your bills on time!
Good point, Diane!
Good ideas. I don’t quite like the idea of getting a credit card, so these strategies would allow me to get to the same result with less risk.
I’m glad you found it helpful, Ramona!